Who am I?

First of welcome to the short version of my life story. I am a 22 year old bleached bunny with an unhealthy obsession for shoes, jewelry and fashion. I sign every post with Denna and that is my real name. My style changes a lot and I got a closet full of clothing to prove it. I got many interests and thus my blog reflects that, most of the time I will blabber on about fashion, beauty and lifestyle. Seeing I am a full time student I spend a large amount of my money on school yet I can't say I am a budget person seeing I like to splurge from time to time. But that doesn't mean I can't budget shop, whenever sales start I am there. I am a bit camera shy and rather point the camera at my cats then at myself. I would like to say I look like the typical dutch girl but sadly enough I can't. Standing tall at 5.9' with almost white hair and green/brown eyes I stand out a bit.

I believe that a girl should be only one thing Herself.  

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