Friday, January 20, 2012
Most people might have read it already but some nail polishes from Catrice are going to be replaced with other shades. 540 am I blue or green is one of them. Currently they are for sale in many drugstores, with 50% they are sold out at most places I visited but maybe you are more lucky. read more for swatches.

The name of this polish I love! Very clever found, although some reference to Tiffany's would also been great seeing this shade reminds me of this amazing brand.  I think this shade is very classy yet colorful.  Also a nice thing to note is that people will comment on your nails. Most of the times positive but some might also be negative. But that is life!

As you can see one layer gives not that great covers, that is why it says on the package that you should apply two coats. I prefer three coats but with two coats it also looks nice. Somebody I know asked me how many coats I applied cause she was sure with this shade it wouldn't cover in two a three coats. It does!

It really flares up a nice black outfit and I cant wait to rock this this summer.

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